Traditional Chinese Medicine analyzes sleep by examining the dynamic between two opposite energies: Mental relaxation, rest and night correspond to the so-called Yin energies.Mental activity,...
Menopause and Acupuncture
Acupuncture has been used to treat and minimize the discomfort of menopause for millennia. Menopause is a natural and physiological phenomenon that occurs when the ovaries stop producing and...
Pregnancy and Acupuncture
Pregnancy and birth are a kind of adventure in the pursuit of creating life. And like many real-life adventures, it isn’t without its challenges. If pregnancy is not a disease, on the contrary, the fact remains that during this period, the maternal organism undergoes a whole series of physiological, anatomical, metabolic and psychic changes, which create a very peculiar state requiring constant adaptation.
Detox-immune boosting tonic with recipe
This concoction of Nature’s Super Antibiotics destroys both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It is also a potent anti-viral and anti-fungal/yeast formula, and will increase blood and lymph circulation to every part of the body.
Pains and Needles: Brain Scans Point to Hidden Effects of Acupuncture
Neuroscientists have been studying how acupuncture affects the brain. It’s clear from many imaging studies that causing pain by inserting needles into the skin does influence brain activity, presumably by activating nerves close to the acupuncture point.