How long is a typical acupuncture appointment? 
The appointment is generally an hour, but the first time we meet, we can go as long as 70 minutes because the initial intake involves many questions to gather enough information to reach an “energetic assessment” (diagnosis) of the symptoms you are presenting. The needles can stay in anywhere from 20–40 minutes (depending on the case and the person’s general constitution). Whether it’s a first time appointment, or a follow up appointment, we will always begin by checking in with your current state of health and leave time for questions or comments after the needles are removed. 

How many treatments are required to eliminate my symptoms?
The number of treatments depends on various factors; the type of problem you are having, whether it’s acute or chronic, how severe your symptoms are, and your overall constitution (age, physical shape, lifestyle habits). I can generalize to say that most treatments, if not too chronic, can take between 2 and 10 treatments to recover. 

How does acupuncture relieve pain?
It reduces the pain by releasing natural painkillers. The insertion of a needle sends a signal through the nervous system to the brain, where neurotransmitters such as endorphins, norepinephrine and enkephalin are released.

​Does the insertion of the needles hurt?
The needles used in acupuncture are very thin (some are as thin as a hair). Some people don’t even feel the insertion at all, while others describe feeling a dull ache, a tingling or pulsating sensation. There are other people who state that they feel a small pinch when the needle is inserted but the sensation dissipates quickly. Very rarely will a patient report feeling any pain after a needle is inserted; if so, it will quickly be removed. Pain isn’t something that should be felt or elicited, in fact a common reason acupuncture needles are used in the body is to alleviate pain. What is more common is that patients will state that they will feel some discomfort after being needled but seconds after, they settle in and relax for the duration of the treatment.

Are the needles re-usable?
No. The Order of Quebec insists on sterile single use needles only. 

Are acupuncture treatments covered by insurance companies?
Yes, the majority of insurance companies reimburse partial or total costs of your acupuncture treatments. Call up your agent to find out what you are entitled to.